Sunday, December 4, 2016
Trump Complains of Economic Policy and Military China via Twitter
INTERNATIONAL - President-elect United States (US) Donald Trump complained of economic and military policy of the Chinese Government through the Twitter account on Sunday.
This complaint at the same time showed no signs of a peaceful approach after a telephone conversation with the President of Taiwan causing outrage in Beijing.
As has been reported, Trump have a phone conversation with the President of Taiwan Tsai, last Friday.
This invites the diplomatic protests from China. However, Vice President-elect Mike Pence impressed underestimate the protest.
According to Pence, the conversation was just an ordinary communication, without reflecting a shift in US policy toward China.
Now, Trump, who often proclaim his views on China as a currency during the campaign, re-issued his views through Twitter.
"Whether China asked us, whether it is 'okay' devalue their currency?" Trump calls.
According to Trump, the policy has been made in the US increasingly difficult to compete with Chinese companies.
"Applying high taxes on our products seeking entry into the country, while the United States does not impose taxes on Chinese goods coming into the United States," he wrote.
"Or build a huge military complex in the middle of the South China Sea. What are they asking? I do not think so," wrote Trump, as reported by Reuters on Monday (12/05/2016) pm.
China, Taiwan, the Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia, and Brunei claim parts of the South China Sea, which is believed to contain the natural resources. In addition, the area into an international trade route that bring in foreign exchange for the country concerned.